ALEX IS 1! It's so crazy! His birthday was last Tuesday on August 5th. I love my baby boy and I'm so exicted that he's growing. He definately has his own personality. He's tries to make us laugh all of the time and whenever he hears anytype of music he bursts out dancing. (much to Addison's dismay)
For his birthday we had cake and ice cream at my parents house with all of his cousins and aunts and uncles from my side of the family. We were able to talk to his grandparents and cousins on his dad's side of the family in Ukraine over Skype which was great. (Skype... a great invention) Well, I've proven that I'm not great at the whole blogging thing... which is fine. I'll just put some more pictures up. I'm sure I'll come up with some witty sayings later.