Friday, September 26, 2008

Simple as that.

I miss sleeping. Simple as that. It's 4 nights in a row now where I've gotten up around 3 or 4 in the morning and haven't gone back to sleep. The reasons for getting up that early revolve around my son having nightmares (which breaks my heart), the marines (don't ask) and then my own one-hundred and hour mind. You know when you can't sleep because your thinking too much? Or is that just me I wonder.
I inherited a very interesting trait from my mom. She and I are very analytical. I am always trying to solve problems. Not necessarily problems but I think about the best ways to handle things that come up in life and then after I've come up with a plan I try and work out each scenario that can occur and see if there is a better plan. I'm a nut job. Simple as that. And then if things don't go according to plan... then I think about how I could have foreseen the outcome and what should I have done about it.
I thinks it's hilarious that I've married someone like Addison. He's so laid back and takes things as they come. I hope some of that has rubbed off on me... It may take a few more years. He's one of those people who enjoy the ride; not just the destination. I love that about him. I love him. Simple as that. He is a great husband. He's a great dad. He's a great friend. He's just great.

I've read through this and I think it's clear that I'm insane. But I'm just going to chalk it up to lack of sleep. I hope I didn't scare anyone with this glimpse into my mind.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm laughing right now!

I love Alex. He's hilarious and constantly making my day. Let me just set up the scene for ya'll.

I take the clothes out of the dryer and walk to my room to put them on my bed. I plan on folding them later. I walk back to the laundry room and this is what I find.