You know life is good when you are so busy and it's because you are surrounded by those you love, things that matter, and you don't mind the chaos. Last week was one of those weeks. Tuesday, June 18th,Addion's younger brother, Jordan, got his Eagle! Congrats Jordy! What a huge accomplishment. I didn't realize everything these guys had to do for that. (Since I grew up in a house for of girls...) They even had a really neat display of ravens, falcons, owls and even 2 eagles. One of which was a BALD EAGLE! (not really bald by the way) It was very great to see, except that I have this very unusual fear of birds so I stayed in the corner of the gym most of the time just not trying to draw attention to myself. But that's another story.

Wednesday, June 19th, we were invited by Addison's parents, Lane and Jenne, to be part of their setting apart for their calling a a Mission President in Kiev Ukraine. It was very neat to meet Elder Cook. A real apostle! I just kept thinking that this man is just like Peter, and Paul and John.... An apostle. It was a very lovely spiritual experience.

Thursday Alex got his first haircut. He was so well behaved! I couldn't help but take some pictures. He looks so handsome now. Even more than he did!

Friday, June 20th, Jennifer Harris gave birth to a beautiful Baby girl. Adalyn Grace Harris 7 lbs 3 oz 19 in. Jennifer and I have been friends since... I can't remember. We grew up in the same ward and I'm so happy that we're still great friends. She'll be a fantastic mother.

And then Wednesday, June 25th, we said goodbye to Lane, Jenne, Jordan, Morgan and Slade as they headed off to serve the Lord in Kiev! We can't wait to visit in 2010!
Sounds so busy but so fun! Alex looks like a stud!
Ana- You have a blog...WAHOO! So, we never hung out before I moved! :( But I'm so glad you have a blog, cuz now we can't lose each other! Cute pics! That's so fun about Jennifer having a baby too! My goodness, life just moves along so dang fast! It's crazy! Anyway, glad I found ya!
Wait, Addison's dad is a mission president? Is that what happened? Crazy! And I didn't know Jen had her baby, how exciting! Your life really has been crazy! But fun!
Okay Alex is so growing up!! I love the hair cut picture. He seriously knows what's going on in the world...
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